7 Safari Essentials That You Need to Keep With You on a Luxury Safari Trip

Luxury Safari Trip

Every one of us has fantasized roaming untamed and free into the wild atleast once. The whole feeling of travelling in a jungle is entirely soothing to the heart and it captures many moments in one single thought – the chirping of birds, greenery everywhere, free water streams, wild animals and the list is endless. Today in the age of urbanization there are not many wildlife places left on this planet. You have to plan a special trip far away to enjoy wildlife such as a luxury safari trip to Botswana, Tanzania, Kenya or any other country. So if you too are planning to go for a safari travel trip to any of the wildlife destinations of the world this article will help you packing your safari essentials. When you go for Safari you can’t pack your bags like other ordinary trips because a wildlife excursion is a whole different experience all together. Continue reading

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Top 10 Safari Destinations in Africa For Wildlife Lovers

Top 10 Safari Destinations For Wildlife Lovers

Whether you’re an African Safari lover or a veteran of the savannah, there are less things harder to oppose than a ride into the wild, cameras stacked, khakis squeezed. Be that as it may, not all fields are created break even with. Here are 10 best places to go for a Safari Travel.

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